Meet Maureen Drummond

Before the litany of credentials and other background information, I would like to present this summary of who I am and why I chose the service of Hypnotherapy.
“How can I help?” is, no doubt, a meaningful question.
But for me, there is a deeper question, “How can I serve?”
Serving is different from helping. “Helping” implies inequality.
When I help, I am using my own strength to aid those of lesser strength. People feel this inequality. I may inadvertently be diminishing their self-esteem, their sense of worth, integrity and wholeness. Helping sees life as weak.
Serving is also different from fixing. To “fix” a person is to perceive them as broken. When I fix, I do not see the wholeness in another person or trust the integrity of life in them. Fixing is a form of judgement and judgement creates distance and disconnection.
I am Maureen Drummond, CMS-CHt, FIBH, and I am here to serve. I serve with myself. I draw from all of my experiences. The wholeness in you is the same as the wholeness in me. The wholeness in us serves the wholeness in others and the wholeness in life. When I serve, I see and trust that wholeness in you. This is what I am responding to and collaborating with.
Service is a relationship between equals. Service rests on the basic premise that the nature of life is sacred. When I serve, I know that I belong to life and to that purpose. When I serve, I know that I am being used and I have a willingness to be used, in the service of something greater. I am as served as the people I am serving and this brings me a sense of gratitude.
I choose to serve life, not because it is weak or broken, but because it is holy and sacred. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego and can sometimes lead to cure. Service is the work of the Soul. Only service truly heals.
Upon my graduation from the HAA, the feelings resonating through me were those of delight and gratitude. I’ve learned to become a powerful agent for positive change.
I’ve learned how to be in Service to my fellow humans in ways that propel them toward living the highest expression of themselves for a joyful and stress-free life. I invite you to participate in Hypnotherapy.
It is my pleasure to facilitate the unveiling of your self-limiting beliefs and to access your problem-solving intelligence. Your potentials for happiness, success, abundance and ease of living, are resources that already exist within you.
Additional information:
—Graduate of the prestigious Hypnotherapy Academy of America completing 400 hours of training in Integral Hypnotherapy™ and Medical Support Hypnotherapy. (CMS-CHt, FIBH) See the published, peer-reviewed, NIH study that sets HAA apart from other Hypnotherapy models.
—Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy (FIBH) License #F11220-688
—Bachelor of Science (BS) in Journalism, Reed Media Center, WVU
—20 year activist, advocate and medical researcher
—Proud Mama of three, amazing, consciously aware and well-balanced (now adult) children (two of them are also HAA graduates!)
—2nd degree Black Belt (World Oyama Karate)
—Passionate for the Natural world and all life therein… especially dogs!